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Fire Statistics

Fire Statistics in the United States

When it comes to fire statistics in the U.S., the question typically starts very broadly with people guessing thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

What is your guess for fires in the U.S.?

If we look at 2013, according to the National Fire Protection Association, there were 1,240,000 fires reported.


How many more weren’t reported?

AND, how many weren’t reported because of safe fire protection practices, such as having a working fire extinguisher on the property?

Ramifications of Fire

Loss of property is one thing, but loss of life and/or injury from fires is tragic. In 2013, fires caused 2,855 civilian deaths, 14,075 civilian injuries, and $9.5 billion in property damage.That is one home fire every 85 seconds and one civilian fire death occurred every 2 hours and 42 minutes.

Fire Prevention

The first line of defense against fires is a fire extinguisher and knowing how to properly use one.

Additionally, know the causes of fires can also help against preventing them (the real goal). Some of the main causes of fires include:

  • Fires from faulty appliances
  • Arson
  • Candles
  • Chemical and gases
  • Electrical
  • Fireworks
  • Lightning
  • Smoking (i.e., tobacco products)

Fires aren’t something that people think about on a daily basis, but should be something that is taken seriously. Spend an evening mapping out a fire escape route/plan, ensuring you have fire extinguishers (and in working order), and glance at the above list to make yourself aware of the most common causes of fires and you might just save someone’s life one day.

Be safe.

Learn more about the history of fire extinguishers or contact us if you have questions or need a fire extinguisher inspection or service.

The Importance of Fire Drills

Fire drills are another critical aspect of fire safety. Regularly practicing fire drills can help ensure that everyone in a household or workplace knows exactly what to do in case of a fire. This practice can significantly reduce panic and confusion, leading to quicker and more efficient evacuations. It's essential to establish and practice a fire drill at least twice a year, ensuring that everyone is familiar with escape routes and meeting points.

Fire Safety in the Workplace

Workplaces are also prone to fires, and it's crucial for businesses to implement fire safety measures. This includes installing and maintaining fire alarms, ensuring that fire exits are unobstructed, and having an adequate number of fire extinguishers readily available. Employees should be trained on how to use fire extinguishers and be aware of the fire evacuation plan. Regular safety audits and drills can help keep fire safety a top priority.

Understanding fire statistics and taking preventive measures can make a significant difference in reducing the number of fires and their devastating effects. Whether at home or in the workplace, fire safety should be a priority. By staying informed, maintaining fire safety equipment, and practicing fire drills, you can help protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property from the dangers of fire. Remember, being prepared and vigilant is the key to fire prevention and safety.